Thursday, October 20, 2011
Things On My Mind
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dream Working, Mondays and Acting Like a Child

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
My My My...How Time Flies
That's the amount of time that I've taken to get back to my blog.
Not that I was all that dedicated to daily entries before or anything, but still. Thank you Patty - Miss "Brem Bloggy Blog" (Follow her blog by the way - its awesome) for reminding me today that this is something that I enjoy doing!! I ran into Patty today at the park and she was nice enough to ignore the fact that I looked a mess. I was (and still am) in my "I'm just taking Chloe for a walk right on the other side of my fence so I don't have to look nice because I'm within a short distance to my house if I see someone I know and need to run back to my house before they see me look a mess" attire/hairstyle/make-up-less-ness. Yes, I know, that was the worst run-on sentence you have ever read in your life - and it was. But you know exactly what I mean.
So where have I been? Well, between now and my last entry I've been tackling this thing called life and all that includes and asks of me. In reality, its not like I'm a stressed out mess, its just the normal kind of busy, the great kind of busy!
Its like this...when I was a single girl, with no prospects in sight and not much of a social life, I wrote in my diary a lot. When I was a single girl, with no prospects in sight, but I had friends and a social life, I wrote every once in a while. When I started dating Carlos, I checked in once a month, maybe if that. When I got engaged, it turned into a prayer journal that I only wrote in for that purpose - there wasn't time in the midst of wedding planning to write about my feelings beyond my current circumstances and what I needed God to lead me in regarding those circumstances. When I got married....well...let me see when the last time I wrote in it was.
March 24, 2010 - Well that answers that question. I didn't even write in it the 4 months before my wedding day July 11, 2010. I was busy, but in a very fun way. I didn't even have a job in those 4 months, just a puppy and wedding planning and apparently that was enough to occupy my time.
But the fact of the matter is, I love to write. So, with that said, I will be doing a whole lot more of it coming up soon. Not only will I be keeping up with this blog (I will try) but I will be writing for the companies' blogs (MasterWerks and Daydream) once those websites are up and running. So get ready blog world, I'm coming back!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Midnight in Paris

First off, I'm going to try to completely ignore the fact that I haven't done a blog update on here since May. If I think about it too much I will attempt to write a short blog entry explaining all of the reasons I haven't written (which will not be short no matter how much I try), when in short I can just say "I've been busy".
With that said, for our first anniversary, Carlos and I went to go see "Midnight in Paris". If you haven't seen it, you should. We loved it. I think it perfectly suited Carlos and my taste for nostalgia, France, old music and good movies.
Ever since I watched Midnight in Paris I've wanted to:
A. Go to France
B. Read - Amongst the people I did know of, it made me realize how many famous authors and artists I DON'T know.
C. Redecorate my home - in two ways: french provincial/shabby chic and with nostalgic pieces. I like old things so much better than new things.
D. Learn French - I wanted to take French in high school, but Spanish was more practical. So I'm super glad that I have taken 4 years of Spanish and don't remember much.
Hope everyone has a good weekend! Its been a long couple weeks at the office, and despite the fact that I've completely ignored my home, grocery shopping, etc., I fully intend on vegging out as much as possible. That is when I'm not looking for antiques, french provincial/shabby chic pieces and other bits of nostalgia on craigslist to inspire me for another month when such things might actually be a part of the budget!
Au revoir!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Call Me Susie.

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Social Networking Craziness
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
tickle me pink
I remember thinking after I finished my blog design the last time "I'm not going to change this for a long time. I'm perfectly happy with what I have for once." As of today, I needed to change something. If anything I could revamp the color theme without much hassle and be happy with the product. This thought is a lesser version of the "I don't have to buy new furniture right now, but if I rearrange the furniture I have, it will make me happy for a while" concept. Small commitment without too much energy.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Paint Paint and More Paint
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Inspiration Board
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Taking a break from being at the computer to . . . be at the computer.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dead Laptop Blues
Monday, January 24, 2011
Days 6 and 8

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 4 and 5 - Photo blog time

Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 4 - My Dream Wedding
Thursday, January 20, 2011
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 3
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 2
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 1